Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My workmates -

Dear Agony Aunt
Although this is supposed to be all about technology, Im actually going to just talk about my nutty workmates that I have to put up with day in and day out. Anyone who has ever worked with any of them will sympathise with my plight. They are a noisy bunch who just want to have fun all day and thats just not on to behave like that at work.
Signed - Desperate Workmate


Topsy said...

I wonder what drove us to this noisy state. Maybe it was technology...

Julie said...

Southern trees bear strange fruit,
Blood on the leaves and blood at the root.

For 10 points what's the title of this song.

Deborah Fitchett said...

(Whee, 10 points for me!)

Dear Desperate Workmate,
You should have nabbed some of the earplugs that were going spare last year. Alternatively, bring some rags from home and gag them all (except for that lovely girl who wears the nice zebra coat of course).
Yours helpfully,
Agony Aunt

chrissiems said...

Dear Desperate Workmate
Far be it from me to ignore the mandate to consider technology so I might just point out that one day we might have the technology to rewire the neural networks of these sadly deviant workmates

Topsy said...

I have done my school work and the teacher stil won't let me go home early. Roll on the end of 23 things.
Merry Christmas.

Topsy said...

Happy new year, good luck with 23 things.